Exquisite Fruit Shake & Exquisite Mixed Salad

Each member of the class gave his/her contribution to the 'recipe' without knowing what the others had done before. They had some prepared ingredients at their disposal and they should follow the following processes:
- taste add & mix (for the fruit shake)
- look & add (for the mixed salad)
Only at the end of all the contributions we could see (and taste!) the final results.

Reflections and comments from the participants to the project
[Translations in square brackets are made by the project coordinator]

Ho partecipato al progetto del frullato e devo dire che era buono prima della mia aggiunta di fragole, poi pero' non ho avuto occasione di assaggiarlo dopo. L'unico appunto e' relativo al metodo. Avrei dato la possibilita' di aggiungere anche cose un po' piu' strane in aggiunta a quelle messe a disposizione, in modo da poter esprimere piu' sfaccettature delle nostre personalita' e dei nostri gusti. Il risultato sarebbe stato piu' imprevedibile e particolare...
[I took part in the milkshake project and I have to say that it was good before I added some strawberries, but then I couldn't taste it again. The only remark I have to do is about the method. I would have given the possibility to add stranger things than the ones that were at our disposal, in order to be able to express different facets of our peronalities and tastes. The result would have been more unpredictable and peculiar... ]

Trovo che l'esecuzione sia stata impeccabile (ottima organizzazione) e fondamentale per capire dove questo exquisite corpse andasse a parare...nel senso che per come era stato descritto prima della realizzazione, trovavo l'idea poco allettante, cioe' carina ma... invece poi nell'assistere alla realizzazione e nel prenderne parte, mi sono resa conto che l'esperienza in se e' stata bella, l'idea calzante col briefing assegnato ...
L'unica cosa che mi e' piaciuta meno e' stato il fatto che c'e' stata poca partecipazione corale: ognuno faceva cio' che doveva fare senza prestare attenzione a cio' che avveniva dopo, senza badare a come le persone che successivamente assaggiavano, reagivano al sapore (mi riferisco al milk shake). Questo e' accaduto perche' eravamo tutti presi da altre cose da fare e finire per la data di consegna.
Come ultima cosa, penso che sia stato fondamentale l'assaggiare il frullato in fasi diverse... ognuno di noi ha un ricordo del sapore diverso da tutti gli altri, ricorda un sapore quasi esclusivo.
Tale ricordo si e' poi accomunato con l'assaggio dell' "opera finale".
[I think that the execution was impeccable - excellent organization - and fundamental to understand what this exquisite corpse project was leading up to... I mean, from its description before the realization it seemed to me not very attractive, nice but... Instead, being present during the project and taking part in it, I realized that the experience was very beautiful, the idea fitted with the brief...
The only thing I liked less was the fact that there was little choral participation: everyone was doing his stuff without being attentive to what was happening after, without looking at how the other people tasted and reacted to that taste (this in relation to the milkshake project). This happened because everybody had lots of things to do and prepare for the brief deadline.
Last, I think it has been fundamental to taste the milkshake in different steps... Each of us has a memory of the taste that is different from anyone else, an almost exclusive flavour.
This memory was in the end associated to the tasting of the 'final result'.]

Questo exquisite corpse mi e' piaciuto moltissimo, per prima cosa perche' sono molto golosa, poi, avendo osservato da vicino il progetto mi sono piaciute molto le reazioni delle persone. Qualcuno era ansioso di partecipare o altri assaggiavano e facevano facce schifate. L'unico sbaglio a mio parere era la scarsa quantita' di frullato, sarebbe stato bello brindare tutti assieme.
(I liked this exquisite corpse very much, first because I am very greedy, then, having observed the project from very close, I liked a lot the reactions of the people involved. Someone was anxious for participating or others tasted and made disgusted faces. In my personal opinion the only mistake was the insufficient amount of milkshake: it would have been beautiful to drink a toast all together.)
Anche il secondo, dell'insalata, mi e' piaciuto un sacco. Bellissima l'idea di prepararla su un tubo cosi' una volta finito si potevano vedere tutti gli strati colorati.
Secondo me lo sbaglio e' averlo fatto lo stesso giorno del frullato, se lo avesse fatto in un altro giorno, ci sarebbero stati piu' partecipanti.
(I think that also the second part of the project, the mixed salad, was nice. I found beautiful the idea of preparing it in a tube pot, so once all ended, we could see the colorful layers. According to me the mistake was to have made it on the same day of the milkshake one: having made it in an other day, there would have been more participants.)

Mary took care of everything. She brought the rucola from her kitchen-garden and she also bought soya milk for me. Anyone of us seemed happy to participate. Mary was very good to co-ordinate us. By choosing the ingredients for the fruit-shake, the idea to taste it was very involving. I think there was too much confusion in the room. Maybe with a little bit more concentration and silence it would be seemed like a ritual. It reminded me the japanese sukiyaki art.

La cosa che ho trovato interessante nella realizzazione del progetto "exquisite milkshake" e' la relazione che univa il mio contributo a quello della persona precedente. Non serviva la vista ma serviva il gusto... Dovevo assaggiare e dire la mia. Questo spostava completamente il centro di giudizio. Sempre un'espressione ed una reazione personale, ma in relazione al gusto.
Molto buono!
[What I found interesting in the realization of the "exquisite milkshake" project was the relation that joined my contribution to the one of the previous person. I didn't need to use sight but taste.. I had to taste and then say my opinion. This changed completely the centre of judgement: always a personal expression and reaction, but related to taste. Very good!]

I think this exquisite corpse was very interesting.
It was realized in a playful and colored way, the fruits gave off a good fragrance and their colors gave a sansation of freshness.
It's interesting also the final result where we could see all the fruits mixed together and some of them were recognized thanks to their colors or their seeds.

Credo che il progetto exquisite milkshake fosse insolito ma molto coivolgente. La cosa che mi e' piaciuta particolarmente e' stato il poter intervenire in base ai propri gusti. Inoltre, era molto attraente il fatto che comunque tutti i partecipanti si aspettavano un risultato positivo, un buon milkshake e dunque si sono impegnati per far si' che il risultato potesse essere 'perfetto'.
[I believe that the exquisite milkshake project was unusual but very involving. The thing I liked most was the possibility to take part following our own tastes. Besides, it was very attractive the fact that all the participants were expecting a positive result, a good milkshake, and so they committed themselves to making the possible to have a 'perfect' result.]
(Sara S.)

The exquisite corpse was funny even if for me it's very difficult to eat something made by many people.
I was a bit disgusted! The taste was not something I liked; anyway I really enjoyed this sharing moment.

Ho appoggiato fin dall'inizio questo progetto, anche perche' l'idea e' venuta parlando insieme.
Secondo me rispecchia molto l'idea del lavoro di gruppo, nel quale ognuno mette del suo. Penso sia molto efficace perche' e' semplice ed e' come una metafora... ovvero il contesto cambia ma l'idea e' giusta e forte..
Mi sono anche divertito!
[I supported this project from the very beginning, also because the idea came talking together.
In my opinion it reflects well the idea of group work, in which everybody puts his own contribution. I think it's very convincing because it's simple and it's like a metaphor... that is to say, the context changes but the idea is good and strong...
I even enjoyed it!]
(Marco P.)

Avendo partecipato attivamente a questo exquisite corpse posso dire che la cosa che mi ha colpito di piu' era la curiosita' che via via si percepiva tra tutti i partecipanti nel voler scoprire il risultato finale... L'attesa e l'ansia di assaggiare i vari intrugli (pur sapendo che non potevano essere disgustosi visto che c'erano solo frutta e verdura buone!) a mio parere e' l'elemento vincente. Avrei forse osato di più mettendo un ingrediente insolito che potesse comunque dare strani risultati ma per il resto...complimenti!!!!
[Since I took an active part in this exquisite corpse, I can say that the thing that stuck me most was the curiosity that we could perceive among all the participants, because we wanted to 'discover' the final result... The waiting and the anxiety of tasting these concoctions (even if we all knew that they couldn't be disgusting since there were only good fruits and vegetables!) were in my opinion the successful elements. Maybe I would have dared more, putting at our disposal an unusual ingredient that could give weird results, but anyway... congratulations!!!!]

I am very happy about my project. It was a good experience for me, I had to prepare everything in advance and then to coordinate all my classmates that were doing lots of other things and had no time to lose. I tried to do everything at best and I hope everybody enjoyed this moment. It was funny in some way, but the good and important thing was that each of us tried to have a good final result. Anyway, I think that the process and the experience were much more interesting than the results in themselves: a milkshake and a mixed salad.
